PM Modi says Yoga helping Covid-19 patients, prescribes ‘Pranayams’ for a strong respiratory system

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday exhorted people to learn all forms of ‘Pranayam’ and practice them every day to defeat the coronavirus pandemic, saying they strengthen respiratory system.

In his address to the nation on the occasion of International Day of Yoga, he highlighted various positive effects of Yoga on human body and mind, and urged people across all the races, genders, faiths and nations to make the ancient Indian practice part of their daily life to boost immunity in times of covid-19 pandemic.

“The Covid-19 virus specifically attacks our respiratory system.  The one technique that helps in strengthening our respiratory system the most is ‘Pranayama’, which is a breathing exercise,” he said. 

He noted that the most popular ‘Anulom-Vilom Pranayam’ has been “very effective” in strengthening respiratory system.

“But, there are many types of Pranayam. It includes Sheetali, Kapalbhati, Bhramari, Bhastrika and many more. All these techniques and forms of Yoga help a lot in boosting both our respiratory and immune systems.  Therefore, I urge you to include Pranayama in your daily practice,” he said.

A large number of Covid-19 patients all over the world are “resorting to” these Yoga techniques today for boosting immunity. 

“The power of Yoga is helping them to defeat this disease,” Modi said, adding “

Today, the world is realising the importance of Yoga even more due to the Coronavirus pandemic.”

People stretched and bent to perform various Asanas at their home joining the International Day of Yoga celebration online this year as the world continued reeling under the deadly coronavirus pandemic which originated from China’s wet market in Wuhan in November-December last year, and spread across the globe.

People and several top global leaders shared their ‘Yoga moments’ with the world, posting pictures and videos of them performing various ‘Asanas’.